Gail, the woman who baby sat us Kapper kids during the Wonder Bread years found me through Facebook. Here she is with yours truly in front of our cabin at Bremers resort on Lake Delton in the Wisconsin Dells, circa 1956. She was our favorite baby sitter and was brought along on various family vacations. To get the job she let my mom believe she was 14 when she was really 12. Fast forward (well not that fast!) 56 years later with Gail and husband Richard in front of their summer home on Big Stone Lake in Three Lakes, Wisconsin in August of 2012. They met in 9th grade and on occasion Gail brought Dick with her to keep tabs on us. We were crazy about both of them. They married (eloped) upon graduation from high school and formed a business which they recently sold. Boating continues to be a theme in their lives with no shortage of grand children around water skis and wake boards. The trip was planned before my dad died. He would have gotten a real kick out of all this. Life continues to have its’ own checks and balances. My dad who was alive when the trip was planned is now a memory, and Dick and Gail who were memories for so long became very much alive.
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